Dan: We are coming up on our 16th annual Earth Day event. It is hard to believe. It’s coming up on April 22nd. We are very excited about it, and we want your involvement. We are very good at metal recycling. We kind of know that one inside out, but there are so many other areas to sustainability that we need your help with, and Aileen’s going to tell you about a way you can participate.
Aileen: All right. Well, we do a virtual Earth Day trivia challenge for participants online. And how you can get involved in that would be to submit a question, answer, anything that you are doing within your organization or industry that is showing sustainability to our planet, eco-friendly initiatives, things like that. We’d love to hear about it. So won’t you tell us how they can start that off?
Mike: Yeah, guys, we make it really easy. You can email us your question or topic that you want to be a part of our group with. You can also either send us just a link to your existing website that tells everyone about your business and what you guys are into. That day we also offer a free public tour and you guys are all the more welcome to have a table here. Tell the public about what you guys do and how you can improve the recycling industry. So come join us for 2022 Earth Day.
Dan: Absolutely. There are so many ways we want your involvement. We would love your participation and your help in educating the public about what you do. So much is being done in this area. It’s really unbelievable, and you being a part of that with us would make the event that much better. So thank you very much. Keep making Earth Day every day, and we look forward to seeing you soon.